Posted in: Season 1

Episode 23: How Religion Weaponizes Music.

Today we discus the drug like effects music can have over the human psyche, and the physiological effects it can trigger in an individual. We also tackle, how modern religious culture attempts to harness these effects, and their addictive nature to directly associate them with God and the Holy Spirit.

Posted in: Season 1

Episode 22: The Dangers of Giving God Credit with Guest Doug Bell.

Giving God credit seems to be a default stance for believers in all most any situation. God takes the credit for almost everything good that happens, but does He really deserve the credit or are we passing over more responsible parties that are more deserving and in need of praise? We tackle all of the above in today’s episode where we are joined once again by Doug Bell who shares his perspective on this topic.

Posted in: Season 1

Episode 21: Confronting Nihilism.

The concept of Nihilism, or a belief in meaninglessness, seems to be a common and reoccurring struggle that manifests itself, in one way or another, among individuals who leave religious faiths. Today, Tim discusses his feelings on the concept, and his advice for those trying to navigate the void left in the absence of religions answers to the question of meaning.

Posted in: Season 1

Episode 20: Marriage Without Religion.

On today’s episode, Tim and Isaac are joined by their better halves to have a roundtable discussion on marriage without religion. Most marriages operate within some form of religious practice or ritual, but what does marriage mean in the absence of God, Prayer, and church attendance? We discuss our own top ten rules of marriage, and discuss how despite the absence of religious practice how many relationships thrive regardless.

Posted in: Season 1

Episode 19: The Four Horsemen of Atheism.

Today, we discuss some of the most cited and reputable authors who have, and continue to, argue against religious dogma and belief.  Critics of religion are not in short supply, and there are many written works past and present that offer to voice counter argument, but these four always seem to come up or be cited at the head of the column

Posted in: Season 1

Episode 18: Purity Culture with Guests Leah Thomason and Morgan Poling.

Purity Culture is a broad subject, and it can encompasses many different facets of a Christian’s life. Its impact can have a variety of effects on everything from sexuality, and body image, to self-esteem and your choice of relationships. Sadly, it leaves many with sensations of guilt regarding their sexuality even after achieving a committed relationship or marriage. Today we attempt to tackle this subject with the help of two special guests, Leah Thomason and Morgan Poling, who join us as we navigate this topic, and how it particularly affects women.