Episode 83: Christian Unkindness.

Christians are kind right? Today, we discuss the unkindness that seems to be rampantly growing in our society, and how many Christians seem to have forsaken the whole idea of kindness for something more nefarious.

Episode 82: Sleep Paralysis & Demons.

People who suffer with sleep paralysis commonly find themselves at the mercy of their subconscious mind. So what happens when that mind is filled to the brim with religious belief in demons and the supernatural? Today we discus sleep paralysis, its common attributes, and its religious association with demons.

Episode 77: Say Yes to Halloween.

Today we discuss Halloween, Christian’s aversion to it, and how the church uses it to promote real fear in its followers. We also discuss how, for many who deconvert, it becomes a favorite holiday.

Episode 76: One Of Us

Today we discuss the documentary “One of Us” which chronicles the journey of three orthodox Hasidic Jews who chose to leave their insular community.

Episode 75: The Rapture.

Today we discuss the rapture, an event many Christians believe is imminent. We breakdown the theology and how ideas around this event have changed through history. We also address how, for many, the rapture provides an outlet to pass on addressing many of the issues our world is currently facing.  .